Taking a math test (which I sucked at) but every question I got wrong was a whip on my back. The more whips the more I panicked and the more I forgot en...
In the future making distance jumps in a Star Trek like ship. Something about the heat shield was failing. Then back to Earth and I had to be in Egypt i...
In a giant cavern with college mates. I stick a bomb on someone. Tell some outrageous story about living alone in Death Valley for 2 years. Get found ou...
Ballerinas vs Tap Dancers. And it was bloody! I think everyone died in my dream. I even googled if there ever was a turf war between the two (no). De...
It was a song. Or a mantra. Either way it was very tragic in the end as she got shot saving her granddaughter.
Watching SG1-Atlantis. Zoned slightly and someone said we don’t have enough power. Looked like a flower pettle open.
Looking forward to beach. Go and put feet in water and a giant whale beaches itself and starts eating people. It was huge and people were running toward...
Started out as a normal dream. Wanted to turn on the lights and couldn’t. Realized I was in a dream at first but quickly forgot. Looked out the window...
I dreamed I was at Cliffs wedding and I knew it wasn’t going to last. Vampires were involved. Long standing history. Then I was in a room with scissors...
I was in school (college) and could not find my ID card so I couldn’t eat. This actually happened a few times
Saw Jaws last night. Sharks were talking to me and threatening to eat my enemies. I was like fine. Eat them. I was then accused by this large shark of...
I was trying to sell drugs to my brothers friend little brother. His mom caught me. I then had a change of mind and told the boy drugs were bad and apol...
My friend is really sick in real life. I keep having dreams seeing her in different hospital beds. Its weird
I’d been accused of some crime but an alter committed it. Very real. Very vivid. Stayed with me all day to I’m taking Xanax tonight to kill dreams. I ...
This dream all hinges on me not wearing my medicAlert bracelet and for some reason not knowing where I lived. It was the middle of the night and I dec...
Was on a secret mission in the ocean. Found out I was an octopus. Communicated through echo location. No idea what it was about. Should have written i...
Sitting at home with some people. Dare me to do some sort of drug. I say ok because I’m a vampire and it won’t hurt me. Do the drug and everything slows...
Something about trees with legs. They were moving around. A fire I think
Driving on unfamiliar road. Come up on a crest of a bridge and the road is gone. I’m also barefoot. As this is a re accuring dream I recognized what i...
Having to stand and take a shower. At the beginning anyone who wanted could watch me which left me angry. Near the end I figured out a way to make it pr...
I wanted to learn to ice skate but being disabled knew it would be hard. As I was trying to find a teacher the dream switched and I was outside gatherin...