i dreamed about stranger things. at first, i was will, and i woke up in the middle of the night and found some weird stuff going on in the house..... li...
i am a lesbian but i had a dream about having sex with a gay man. his name was "Just" and i thought that was a weird name. me, him, and my girlfriend we...
i was watching a trailer for a movie. there were these three sisters living in a house they recently moved into..... their parents spent a lot of time a...
i was working with jjustin mcelroy. except, it was like 50% justin, and like 25% griffin and 25% travis (his brothers). i called him justin though. him ...
gaara from naruto, but he was wearing skinny jeans. blue denim skinny jeans. his legs were so thin
my girlfriend and I were driving in my car and we drove to my girlfriends house and their parents were in the yard beating the shit out of a little boy ...
i am gay. i had a really cute girl over at my place amd we were cuddling and complimenting eachother and stuff. i could tell she really wanted to have s...