im riding in a minecart with Captain America. he's telling me to lie low as we pass a wanted poster with his face on it. suddenly we reach a staircase a...
everyone lived in a brightly colored dome, and there's a purple rocketship in the town square. we all gather to say goodbye to my brother Jacob, who was...
im in a wizard class in an abandoned indoor pool and Mrs Wilkins is the teacher. Im the top of my class, so she takes me to her office where there's fou...
my class and i were at a five star hotel (everything had a green hue??) but everything was shot as if it was a game show. as we're about to leave class,...
my dad took me and my bros to a book store but they didnt have many books, only toys and merch. we had like twenty minutes to pick something out and we ...
I dreamt that izzy, sara, charles, joseph m, and i went to this weird trump tower/disney springs place where everything was gold and in the gift shop i ...