I had a dream that until covid was over ever kid had to go into a facility until they were 18. The thing with it was while you were in the facility you ...
We were at a hotel and there were two starbucks literally 10 feet from each other. I was with my mom and I commented on this but she was distracted. She...
I had a dream my mom forgot who Sam Smith was and thought he was a country artist
I had a nightmare that my next door neighbor who we think hates us snapped and set our house on fire while we were gone on vacation (which is where we a...
I was at Sarah's house (my sister) with her my brothers and my nephew. We had ordered food and all of a sudden Sarah bursts into the room where I am wit...
I had a dream that I was at my dad's house and for some reason his room was on fire but the rest of the house was fine... that's pretty much it everyone...
We were in a hotel and there was a flood so we had to pack super quickly and leave but it was like the world was in slow motion and we couldn't leave fa...
My mom's were having another wedding that's pretty much it we were planning and having the wedding
I had a weird dream I was at school and an announcement came on telling us to hide and then these men came in and took then ones who didn't then the dre...
I was in the Hunger Games but we decided to defy the capital and not kill each other then the capital started killing us. They killed Kat who was my fri...
I keep having this nightmare that these people are trying to kidnap me but I keep evading them and the dream goes on for a super long time every time
We were moving into my old house. The one we lived in with Daniel. I started having a panic attack because I didn't want to move. I especially didn't wa...
In my dream there was a being that decided that things needed to change. He dunked us all in a substance he called Blue. The substance made you unable t...