Was talking with Miguel when he showed me a message on his phone. It said something about my guitar, and he clarified that he would be able to do it thi...
Was with Christina Oday and someone else by the edge of a pond. I lean slightly over the edge and get the feeling of an imminent fall. This then manifes...
Projected myself as a beacon for individuals looking to hire. Came back and
Was walking down a main aisle at a store and came upon a man in a light blue knit turtleneck. He made an offhand comment toward me as I passed by, at wh...
I must've been thinking a lot about Ryan lately because he was in my dream last night. I pulled up in a driveway and Ryan was walking out of the house. ...
Woke up in my dream at 1125am when I had to be to work by 1130. I started getting very upset and disappointed in myself because I felt like I had just c...
Had a dream about the total solar eclipse coming up. There were a bunch of people around and we are all saying that we couldn't see the moon because the...
At a house on a hill with a huge window wall overlooking the valley below. Looks like Colorado; dusk/night. There's another house at the bottom of the h...
Flying on a plane with Ellen, which then seems to be flying too low as an alarm went off. Many others started to brace for impact, but out the window ev...
Ellen and I were at our Savannah apartment and having some people over and then a child was brought over by Jordyn. I was working on getting everyone ou...