I dreamt that I was in this low lighting room with my dad & all of a sudden 2 guys walk in. Apparently it was a public place. And one of the guys asked ...
Dreamt last night that I easily cut off my (left) ring finger. So, to make it even or something I cut off my middle. Then my mom came in & I told her th...
Dream 1: I walked up to my front door window & thought I heard someone trying to open the door. So I raaan back to my room. Then woke up slightly with h...
Last night I dreamt of the possible outcomes of texting my ex. I need a life lmao.
I had a dream me & eddie were in the car & he was driving & we were talking about the breakup & it came down to neither of us wanted to end it & it felt...
The dream starts off walking at "school" me & another friend, Orlando, were walking past Eddie & one of his friends. Orlando & Eddie greet each other as...