I was in a larger group of young adults and we were all running from something. We'd get to a new room or something and try to blend in and then move to...
I was in Zach's room showing him a two-headed snake but he didn't understand how it was so cool so he handed it back to me and I was about to show him w...
So the first thing I remember is that me and a group of people are trying to get away from another group of people. But at first we're by the ocean and ...
First I dreamt that I was in this enclosed outdoor space and there were sort of teams of people. One team was chasing me and trying to capture me but I ...
I woke up actually afraid for the first time in a long time. I remember being in a theater building, I think ? I think someone was talking about seeing...
I can only remember partway through but there was a Piscatella looking man and he ran off from our group that was in a kitchen (I very specially remembe...