So in this dream I am actually me. But not living the life I am now. It was almost like a murder mystery game. Trying to figure out 1. Who was the pe...
I have to say it’s not to often I actually smell something in my dream. But it was strong. Current coworkers were in my dream. I had a box that I was ...
Main points. Taking a trip to Hawaii with my husband. Trying to connect to people with each other looking for a heart monitor for me Sunny blue sky Wa...
There was a boy. He was a descendent of a witch. But he didn’t know it. His mother went looking for him with his grandmother (who happened to resemble ...
The time was in the past. But jumped to the future. At one point I was walking a cobble stone street singing some song (can’t remember now. And I don’t ...
It was fall. A friend was being put in jail for something she didn’t do. A guy set her up. When she got out I called her son, who is a teenager, to come...
Below are details of a dream I had. It’s what I could remember right when I woke up around 3 am. A young girl. Run away? Traveling on her own. Meets u...
I was at work and it was my last day. They had a pot luck dinner for my send off (or it was just the holidays). I made my desk super clean. People asked...
It felt present time. We were staying at my moms house. However, it was different than the one she is currently in. Husband and I were laying In recli...
This is in the future. I believe it is me. I felt it was. A young girl in college. For a biology class she had to go to a local hospital and spend time ...
In this dream it seems I was fancying being with a friends husband (in real life no desire what so ever). However, this husband wasn’t the one she is wi...
I had a dream that I was going to a party. As I walked down the hall to change my mom was in her bedroom crying. She asked if I remembered Debbie Dembro...
I can’t remember the full dream. However, I remember details of the dream. I know I was working, not necessarily where I work now, and co workers were...
Not sure if I was moving into or just vacationing at a big older house. But all the family was headed there for, I believe, Thanksgiving. The Scooby ga...
Started out at “home” not the one I am in now. There was a stain on the carpet and i threw a liquid detergent on it. Scrubbed it. Let it set shampooed i...
This guy came up yelling and crying because the lady who lived in this broken down house with her cat was killed. He was saying we/I did it.She was a sw...
Dream started off like watching a movie. Maybe it was. Seemed like it was in the 80’s. There was a game being play. Or one thought it was a game. Th...
This dream started off as me as an adult. But I wasn’t me, or was I? I was having an affair with a married man. I was a young adult. When we were togeth...
My youngest two were still little. We were setting up a new house. Like a beach house. I had made some crispy chicken sandwiches, as we were expectin...
Husband and I were headed to a destination. We were staying at a hotel that a former coworker and friend was going to be meeting us there. We were drivi...
There was a group of us, seemed like a class I was in, that stopped at a donut shop while out on a scavenger hunt for Alien(movie) items. There was arou...
Rough sleep. Awaiting for son to come home and incorporated it into the dream. Started with me walking downstairs to see if my son was home yet, knowin...
The kids were little. Some really big house. Colin was constantly getting to candy. Went outside in the evening. There were a lot of good year blimp is...
I was driving fast. Took a detour through a community that was by a lake and a canal. Beautiful landscaping and houses. Driving through this street I n...
There was a woman. Tall, chestnut hair. It was back in the Roman times. My spouse of the time and I were to have sex with her. At one point he stopped i...
My third daughter died. She’s only 22. I went to a place where I could see her spirit through the stars. The spirits could control them to make shapes a...
Working for a company. That looked like it was set up within a school. Former boss, Steve Bartman, was my boss. I was single and dating a guy whom I am...
This one is harder to remember, though I just woke up. I believe I was going to college. Hanging with classmates. We were in a house across the street f...
At this other house again. This time Kimberly Frost came to visit. So other girl was hanging around. I got out of the shower and walked up to Kim so s...
Lived in a house on the ocean, just moved in. Lots of windows. Large tree on the left side of the house. One in the back. High winds came on crashing ...
Helped Pat Engle fill out a form for work. Was traveling to , I think Mexico. Had a young Christina with me. But in a sense felt like it could have bee...