We were were trying to escape from some sort of building, I think it was me, Evan, and some guy and a girl the were with us. At first I started out just...
I was with Baylee and baron. Baylee went someone, and left me and baron. I was in love with him but I can’t remember what happened.
Brody gave some kid a football. I traded my football for his. I got a brody ball.
I just kept seeing Brody. I think it was baseball season, but he actually had a perm. He looked perfect.
I walked out of algebra, Brody was nowhere to be found. But baron was standing in the middle of a group of people next to a blonde girl. I remember some...
Natalie said “why did you leave me? See we’re supposed to be best friends forever.” And I explain but she just didn’t get it. Then she said she’d give i...
I have a friend, Noah. I had a dream for some reason a few people I knew and me and Noah had too stay in a house together for a little bit, just a few d...
I was at Lester square with Jayda, and for some reason we were staying the night there with a bunch of other people. Then nat showed up, and I left Jayd...
Psa. Not much of this dream makes any since. I was hanging around this short guy, who for some reason I made out with the day before. We just got back ...
We were driving down the highway on the way to “Walmart” in a van. I was in the back/trunk and Brody was next to baron in the second and there was an o...
I had two dreams. I kept going to see Jake at his house with all his friends. Apparently we’d started dating and now we were all over each other all th...
I was kinda living in a house with one of them, Armando, but it’s more like Jake and me stayed over 90% of the time cause he lived down the street, and ...
I hung out in the girls locker room shower with my friends, I knew I didn’t belong there, but I had no choice. I walked out and lit a stick in my mouth ...
Joe Trohman (short Curley haired era) laying back on a couch with a pigeon on his hand. He smiled up at it and it looked back down at him.
I was in a empty bathtub completely clothed with Pete Wentz.
I was hanging out with my friends, when I went into one of his house. There was another girl with us, but I’m not sure who it was. I ended up staying th...