I am eating the jelly beans produced by Shakira, and notice that there is a lot of hair in them, which makes them very hard to eat. I complain to Shakir...
I walk into my place of work, but realize that I brought my laptop while it should have been left at home. Luckily, the laptop has the walk to home func...
I meet a very sad and depressed woman. To cheer her up, I decide to teach her about how to lucid dream. I tell her that this is the most amazing thing e...
I enter a lucid dream, in which I walk through the yard of my childhood home in Vinnitsa, Ukraine. There are multiple characters in the yard, some that ...
I had nightmarish false awakenings where I supposedly woke up from surgical anesthesia while still being cut. Then I end up in the hospital surrounded b...
Very sad dream. I visit a sanctuary for people with Fatal Familial Insomnia (a real disease, unfortunately). They stand with their eyes wide open, tryin...
I'm walking the streets of Vinnitsa, Ukraine, and suddenly I see a woman chewing gum. I look at the gum closely and notice that it looks like a nuclear ...
I woke up in a strange room. I immediately remembered that I had to go to school for a literature class, which started at 9 am. I look at the clock: it'...