Brother in Law's death/ funeral. 2-3 dream cycles featuring the same thing. Distressing. "Woke Up" on my parents couch on the dream, immediately asked ...
Got left at - essentially - a mental health in patient clinic but on the beach. Mum couldn't afford to keep me and Evan said he was busy and didn't know...
Evan had an eating disorder (anorexia nervosa similar) and hadn't told me because he thought I had too many problems and he couldn't trust me to handle ...
Originally the dream was to do with horses in the city, and there was a bombing, but it reset and instead they bombed around the city all around. We wer...
Had to make long scarves out of human hair. We were captured girls and they made us sing as we worked. I refused to sing or talk. I kept my head down. T...
it started off cool, but turned into us going to this competition that was also a camp where you were put into focus groups for the whole time, who you ...
Essentially we were going to watch/be on Critical Role, but something happened and Evan thought I cheated on him, they decided not to do the episode. I ...
terrifyingly fast and steep, would almost fall off every time, I was throwing up and crying afterwards.
another kidnapping dream, this time I was forced to be someone's wife.. ultimately he was going to let me go and I was begging to know what year it was....
fairly sure there was another kidnapped dream. yes, there was an instance of being taken somewhere from public to be killed, very last minute someone ha...
Coming home, Evan driving ahead, far enough he was out of sight. Saw smoke on a roundabout, he had crashed with another car, he looked hurt but everythi...
series of trials, had two people to help me that joined part way through (identities changed). was a competition to collect as many trinkets from succes...
There was a big fire near my house while the in laws were over. We needed to go immediately and said we'd all run down the front and meet them there. Wh...
kept going back to the image of my cat (very small and new, a rescue) being cut into 3 pieces. came to terms with the loss but kept seeing it went into...