I had a dream i was student teaching with earlyedventures and then she was happy she switched to highscjol English bc she can be more herself. But she w...
Rocco finally came down and i was so excited. I took up him to the mountains and my dad was a school bus driver. We were up st the mountains and my dad ...
I had a dream me and Rocco only got one day together and he told me he was going to sit on the couch for a small nap and he ended up sleeping the entire...
I “woke up” from a terrible dream i was on my side and still had Rocco on the phone. I was trying to yell for my dad because i was literally stuck. I fe...
I had a dream my piddling buddy got taken away because we couldn’t afford to pay the rent on him for the month
Agent that I was at my dads friends house and he was a gardener and he had like a literally corn tree and I had a plate and I was picking corn off of it...
I dreamt that I was in school and my grandma would drop me off but I got out at like 10 PM so I didn’t have anyone who would pick me up. And I call my ...
I am Chai AN and her sisters were going to go to the beach to shoot a music video and I really would love to use the beach bro who which beach bread bec...
I came home and it was an arcade inside and Rocco and rob were there and i wanted a cow and sailor moon character
i was at a pre graduation trip with Cheyenne and her sisters and other ppl and we were in a fast moving river. We had camp supervisors and it was really...
Jail and suicide Rocco’s grandma callled me i was in jail and he was going to jump out the window everyone was holding him back she started to talk abou...