I was in a military base in a large warehouse. At one end of the warehouse behind me was a door to a room. I didn't know exactly what was in the room on...
I wear glasses (without them I can't see clearly more than 2 feet in front of me) and I have dreams occasionally where I have lost my glasses and spend...
I was doing a sort of yoga class in some offices. I remember that the emphasis was on stretching your back and I was having trouble and couldn't even tu...
I remember that there was a strange man that gave me blueprints to a building and told me that I was going to have to break into it to retrieve somethin...
More than once I have had dreams where I think I might have some control over them but not full. I have dreams where I have telekinetic powers. I can st...
For a part of my dream I remember standing in my driveway and front yard. It was a sort of planet of the apes scenario but there were also good apes tha...
I was playing whirlyball except we were playing with balloons and our hands. I remember scoring and it didn't count. I remember specifically that Cody w...