im with a group of people and this one lady whos been my friend this whole time comes to me and asks me to check behind her ears. prior to this we were ...
on a ferry and its starting to go badly aka its sinking and water is pooling. the ferry distributes life jackets but im full panicking because i cannot ...
i walk by a dog tied to a pole while waiting for its owner and it's so happy to see anyone and i walk by and see that its maybe loosely tied? before i c...
i dont remember most of it now but the last part was there was a box sending alien signals to ur house in dnest and we were looking out the window and ...
the first dream is hazy but it was me being kidnapped and being made to hang from a ceiling thing while being intimidated and harassed and maybe sexuall...
like ok, we were in this massive arena, like with thousands of ppl and im just in the sidelines with friends watchign this rock climbing esque thing? an...
ok this is a fun and well paced dream. i was with james in what seemed like it was bali but with loads of his mates but i was kinda away from everyone. ...
so weird. so i find out that my salon apparently just burns bodys if theyre dead but its like a slow roast and weirder because apparently well its on an...
being in the ocean theres like anitha and stuff and we are all in the there a wedding after? smth like that
some man was getting his hair cut and styled for like 4 hours and this dream kept like repeating everytime i woke up and snoozed my alarm in hopes it wi...
like me and hanna ordered eggs benedict that was the cheapest on the menu and like a ton of other things but ridic cus the salad was like 40 but eggs be...
ling had long thick black hair. another bit where i was with a friend who im doing some kind of private training session with and the trainer says shes ...
like the back of my mouth had one entire section of absolute filth and so im in there just digging bits and pieces out and its chunks of old meat or wtv...
lot of dreams but the one that rly struck me was when i see my bin in my room and see some half eaten french fries and i know my mothers the one that to...
so i was in this big hostel setting and i walk into the room at first with a friend and i greet everyone and choose the only available beds but the guys...
so soniyah is at the front of the line at some police station and its dark murky and all i see is her getting pulled into the room and half of what i se...
It was like a house with everyone standing n discussing if they are going to kl. And then we are slowly realising that going because we all have work a...
i guess all that talk about cait made me have this dream and reminisce on my own car camping times with C. so in this dream we have a bus? a small but b...
1. theres one bit Z tries to be funny with me while we r walking down some really secluded shit and then hits me or whatever idk but he leaves and im le...
ok theres me kyky i rly dk who else and we r off to a pool. and we stop at thia old uncle mama shop and buy some stuff idk if we are stealing but then w...
ridiculously detailed dream about somewhat of a horror/thriller movie and ruby A. was like a main side character and she has her bangs and stuff and im...
so this is one of those dreams that felt like it was a programmed simulation. there were 2 elephants outside my house right out my window i saw one mam...
dreamt i was dating james acaster
basically becus of the wasp situation at home i googled a bunch about scary wasp situations before i slept and found some nightmares creep in. one major...
had a dream where im in a dress with some other girls and its so tight and wrong with my weight and its funny that im having this dream having realised ...
so theres one bit where rabia? that one girl from pri school is showing me to a place and it rly just looks like a school canteen and at some point she ...
walking around blocks and blocks somewhere in US and somehow it feels safe and clean except the pedestrian crossing traffic light goes off So fast. the...
more taskmaster related dreams and its smth with noel and how its some cutting task and for the last bit noel cuts alex hornes hair? idk... and another...
ok theres a few things in this dream that may not make sense or makes all the sense 1. james acaster is telling me theres this man who likes me lets say...
a massive field opening and everyones sat on the ground and its like at the end a rly weird maybe hippie wedding and this pregnant woman in a white top ...
smth like theres matthew holness and ayoade on the taskmaster line up and its like wow it was very cool and fun for me imagining them competing together
so my sisters sat at the couch and she has her sides shaved all round the back of her head (looks pretty cool) and she also has an arm tattoo and all of...
idk if its cole or maybe the back of him but im tryna get to him in a house but somehow i end up taking my phone and my ezlink so im going back to put i...
ok so theres seth rogen? and hes giving me a ride in his scooter thing and its basically like early morning dawn times and i realise im not home but als...
ive an idea that its a film but im not sure was a very confusing boring adaptation in my dream... i dont remember anything
i was in some part with hanna in her apartment which wasnt a mess but closer inspection it was and i had a jacket on and when i was leaving i was told t...
i dreamt of tom morella altho ill be honest im not sure what he looks like... he had long hair and he was there maybe at my work place?
so we r rescuing a child? theres like a hit and run and an adult and child r seriously injured i try dashing across the street but almost get run over m...
ok first bits of the night was like i was washing someones hair and placing spoonfula of shampoo granules on the top and the bottom of the head and mayb...
with my ex we went back in time and we r together his lil sis is there too. but its also a video game we hustled too fast and got to a bit with water fl...
so its me and someone a girl just on some massive rocks amidst water and like we r in africa and trekking thru this massive landscape and this is the bi...
so the first part theres C and like he has a gf but at some point he tries to strangle me too idk if jo is there. she could be... anyway fuck that a bit...
so theres a man trying to get it on with a girl? and the girl is me? sometimes its me sometimes its someone who doesnt want anything with this guy. but ...
so theres this coat hanger with an outfit on it. could have been anything and it has a pacemaker in it? basically it feels like its my grandma and shes ...
something like im brushing my teeth but im high? like i cant seem to hold the brush and the top of the brush someone detaches and now im just not able t...
so theres like a person who already died this scene seems to take place in myhouses laundry area and this little girl has hung herself from the laundry ...
so theres a bit with my ex and him giving a presentation to two other ppl by a river and he gets a little agitated and even dives into the water and sou...
so theres 2 takes. first take robert pattinson(my boyfriend in this dream) is dead. becus of someone. and it starts off with take 2 im in a mall and han...
so im home and in the kitchen i walk by it a few times but on my third walk over i see that the white cat is sleeping the sink and right beside theres s...
so im definitely in a scene doing a split and showing my mom and sister. i remember the feel and god i wish i could!!! (an ongoing practice) smth with h... sisters out and insisting that i grab a shitty book at a store cus she says shes gonna pay for everything so its my chance to grab whatever i w...
so lets start with this wok hey part im on the phone with hanna whos helping me decide which set to buy. and i settle for the one that comes with waff...
i believe i dreamt that i forgot my yoga mat meeting Bav today and i forget what we do if we go back together or smth...i dont remember.. smth about sac...
so i see a cat with kittens and pet one but i realise its actually a rat im petting and i stand and back away. this is one Detail in the dream i
so im in a house with a man and almost like C was there with me but hes left. and its taken me awhile to realise that his phone he left behind so i can...
it just repeated a scene in winterfell and the night king war scene and it was so persistent and annoying
trump was in his 40s? smth liddat? and there was also a bit where a lot of dreams about among imposters... lamf was with his wife and child and...
ok i guess i was playing a lil too much of this game and my dream was basically a real life version of it at a mall or supermarket. theres several more ...
halloween swede cute with sis i go to change. (this is what i wrote in a sleepy stupor so i domt forget in the morning lol) i go to change into clean cl...
my sister was gonna go as brian from monty python for christmas and i found a book of hers where there was a small paragraph of life of brian and i was ...
its like multiple repeated dreams but also maybe not maybe it just felt like ive dreamt it before. its this old school building.theres a whole routine g...
ok the last part was there being a zombie kind of thing behind the room door and my sisters on the floor in the living room with food and mine and im as...
so ive climbed to the toppest of the trees where C and some friends are? super high and dangerous and im not welcme? so i drop down literally free fall ...
every week ive to come into a new country like malaysia or indo and stay for a good 5days for my shifts and then go home and its these 2 ladies intervie...
one bit where i go back to Z where he is under my block bus stop and he keeps asking me for money indirectly cus he needs to smoke and i say ive no cash...
my mother wears a top she would never normally wear and almost comes back home to change and i tell her at the door she looks great and send her on her ...
so i dream of that kim guy? so its like a insta story of a video of him trying it on with a girl. like a staged thing but its very painful to watch cus ...
i dreamt of shak she sent me like 20-30messages and phone calls and i only see it in thr morn. and either she was telling me she and G were still togeth...
so kwok? is there? lol we walk and he mentions he had a crush on me once and im like what? lolol wtf is my dream. felt like a disaster happened before t...
im at a supermarket thing with c and it seens like were a distant couple. weird. and the big chunk of the dream is me in this massive mansion maybe work...
crossing a big road..punggol? on to someones house but a murder has occurred and i see the police and the body being packed. and... theres elements of ...
this was an extremely emotional dream i had those restless crying out loud kinda things. well im not crying loudly but im sorta like whining in my sleep...
so kym? comes over and she has to sleep over? so my mother and sister r alright with it and i give her a tshirt and shorts? and then the next day she ha...
so theres tremors and im physically being moved becus of how bad they are and this is when im at a bus stop? but at another part of school or the buildi...
so im late for work it start at 7 to 10.30. this is st cleaning job and im home and somehow pass out until 7ish? i wake up text fang she can calculate f...
so claudia apparently has 2older sisters? and shes explaining how her the lower bed attached to her bed that her sister uses is haunted and that we need...
lot of text messages i dream from C his mom and lot of ppl? so much of my dreams im forgetting due to sheer laziness...
at toilet cubicles and one of it hasnt a lock i go to the next one and turn on all the things i need to and after some time i look up and my/another gir...
im packed in a car in between family and police are here and police that i seem to personally know they try and make me chnage seats and im crying and a...
some stray cats we r entertaining me and some neighbourly lady and then we see a small cat sized cat/dog but with an otters face and woman explains to m...
something like... theres a party nes is in this and invites me up its in this condo thing and im late but i come with jo or i think i come late when it ...
i keep seeing this picture of this youtube guy and girls loving him and i think so hes in my dream? hes all buff and long hairy and we r like maybe dati...
felt like i was in new zealand but with a whole huge family entourage like becus i was being forced to get married?? or smth? and one bit with a huge sl...
like the weather was getting colder... but very subtle. altho im back home like a part of me is in the states still.... some other strange dreams. like ...
tons of skincare related dreams like someones hauling products...
ok so conan and sona go to lazarus island and i get to follow? and the one and only apparently big 5 star hotel on the islandlooks incredibly run down a...
maybe cus i watched crocheting vids befofe i slept but lots of just crocheting dreams and making tops and stuff like that. theres also a beach thing an...
some guy i was hanging with cut the queue in a 7 eleven or smth and i was very unhappy about it and i didnt follow with him. and then i had to go a long...
it had pride flags all over but this city was still under construction so it had other city and company flags as well. was sstrange but cool. this haunt...
it was me maybe jo and kate winslet waiting to pay off our dinner bill and then kate kinda goes off to do the rest of the journey on her own and i wasnt...
i was om some event or trip thing and theres muscle simon and hes all sweaty and big but not muscley maybe fat and i hug him and im all sweaty now too a...
i dreamt i was cleaning last night. just cleaning and cleaning
ugh so cole again. i dont want him in my dreams. its like we r in a mall and he wants a bag but doenst buy it its like 700$ and i plan to buy it for him...
this is all in ce, wa and like one theres ruby but a much younger girl saying we need to say some spells or wtv when we see these other women and for th...
i think all of it took place from 6 to 7. the one i remember most is oh yea theres these two guys having sex? its like a team of us detectives or smth a...
woke up at 3am to piss and couldnt sleep for the next hour. tossed and turned a lot and had an alarm for 730 yikes. anyway im at an airport? a flight to...
hanna saying shes coming back on 23? and me being all confused cus i sent her a book
that was like the end credit of this film thing. a few girls and im the victim? lol idk im made to go thru a maze... hmmm smth about a video i took of a...
smth like i had to make space in my room for another girl whos being adopted. ok smth like there were 3 girls. but one of it as told by my sister was a ...
smth abour ariana grande? i was in her house? maybe cleaning it? and there was a guy there and overlooking the porch i could see a big dinner table whic...