I was i a secluded place in the only house in the area and I was there because I was getting weed. I walked out of the house and it felt like forever u...
This is the second time this week that I've had sleep paralysis. And I've never experienced it prior to this week. But this time I'm not sure if it was ...
I wasn't school but it didn't look like my school and it was raining and I passed by the window with my friend and I noticed there were two tornados com...
I was at school I think and there was a teacher who was a crazy man and he raped and kidnaped Girls and he had caught me and I was trying to get out and...
I was walking home from an early release at school and I was at my door when my drug dealer neighbor came outside and saw me and I was like listen it's ...
I dreamt that I took an elevator to the roof of a building that was about 9 stories and there was a football field. there were no railings on the roof s...
Every now and then I keep having dreams about my Max and this time we were eating lunch outside at what I thought was my school and I see him walking an...
I dreamt that I was pregnant with twins and if I gave birth to these babies I would die. I was at home lying In my moms bed and I was saying that I was ...
I walk into the pizza place that nana takes us to all the time and I was talking to the people there and then some of my friends walk in and ask if they...
I dreamt that I was in the ocean in an underwater community where people lived and I made a joke that if you got stuck between the two walls of glass yo...