There was a black dude, probably FBI, who wanted to see his enemies go down. The two rival vans smash into one another over and over and over again. Eve...
Liz was quasi working at a hair place. The place was huge. Liz (or my mom via texting) asked me for a favor. I followed Liz outside behind the dumpsters...
I was in the backseat of my parents car. My father was behind the wheel. When they came up to visit me the roads were clear. Then everything was all dug...
Nobody was trustworthy. Everyone had a scam to sell, especially a 90-year-old man. There was a shelf with assorted cereal boxes. The biggest one was huge.
There were two young Arab or Latino dudes who were packing very slowly. Their parents were coming to get them. We were all sad about this leaving. Even ...
George W Bush was still president. I just so happened to be sitting next to his wife. She had huge hair that fell on me. My friends were nearby me. They...
Very graphic Wandered on an indoor train track. It was active. One had to be aware of oncoming trains. Kelly offered me the top bunk. The sheets wer...
My choice of vehicle was a big shopping cart. When driving down the road I'd take my focus elsewhere. I'd glide into the trees and bushes. As I pushed m...
Kelly had a small patch of sand inside her home where she'd bury her dead relatives and friends. This time it was her parents who died. I was in her hom...
I dreamed that my father invaded my privacy. He was able to view other computer screens from his. That meant he was able to read my novel before it was ...
The dream isn't clear. I think I was human but I acted like a dog. I'd go back to the person to gain affirmation of his or her love. I was on my hands a...
I was at some event led by this woman. She was quite famous. Her kids were watched by a nanny. Her husband was around too. At the end I really wanted to...
I was asked by a NYC cop to join him in an alleyway. He was investigating a crime. The things he wanted me to look at required technical knowledge which...
I was chasing a criminal. My weapon of choice was liquid acid. It eats away at anything it touches. How I caught up with the guy I forget but I tossed t...
I was on a new part of a building. It had a staircase and it led up to an open room. I was hanging up there talking to someone. Then Basement the cat ma...
My parents were so much younger and playful with one another. I lived next door to a woman who had breathing issues. An ambulance came by for the woman....