i was driving home with my mom my brother, and my grandpa driving for some reason, but he’s passed away. We passed by the school right down the street f...
I don't remember this dream too much but what I do remember won't get out if my head. I'm walking with my friend klarissa to her house and I'm a bit ner...
So it all started with me going on vacation to the beautiful place. I went on vacation with my cousin David, Roxie, and elizabeth. Mine, Roxie, and Eliz...
I was at my friends heaven's house sleeping over. And in the morning we were getting ready for a party. I lift up my shirt to put on a fancier one, and ...
I'm with my mom, heaven, and Gina. My mom was acting really strange. She started acting very religious and said she wants to go find the secret passage...
I was with my old friends on halloween i believe. It was nikki, klarissa, and Sierra. We were all sleeping over at sierras house on halloween and Sierra...
Dream #1 I am in elementary school. It is weird because it's kind of like a carnival day. A bunch of celebrities are there and I am dressed gothic. The ...