intense changing dream of sex with nick my ex. didn't matter where or who was in the room i was topless, and wearing a skirt with no panties, and i woul...
this one is more of a half awake state. i knew i was in my room sleeping, and there was the loudest thunder id ever heard. it was so loud and constant, ...
Im with my friend at her apartment and shes getting ready to leave. we are not dressed up at all, im just wearing a white tee shirt and jeans, and i don...
this dream was broken up and the stories dont really match up.... it starts in a middle eastern village. adobe or stucco buildings with flat roofs. ther...
really hard to remember this dream. starts out with me and a sister(that doesnt exist) being abducted by one mad and kept in a warehouse. at one point i...
im at my elementary school, (im 28years old) and im trying to fit into the child sized stalls. i only know i have to pee. i am the only one in there. i ...
its titled bits and pieces cause i can only remember parts of this dream... there is a large theater and people are in the seats. in the front, between ...
cant remember how it started, but i was looking at the concrete platform that had chainlink fencing around it with an entrance on either side, inside it...
huge oak tree and from one of the top branches there is a kid hanging from a branch by just his knees. whats worse is he is holding the ankles of a girl...
in this dream i am a teenager, there are alot of other teens around and we are all in a bowling alley with stadium seating. im walking with a friend i k...