Few days ago. Had a dream where i was playing some strange game. Or at least, I remember it felt mostly like a game. But at points it felt like it was s...
Well I think I know where most of the themes came from in this dream, I had been playing "the stanley parables" (deluxe edition) with a friend the day b...
Dreamt about fighting with mom. Can't remember what about. At least not how it started. But I know it progressed until I was saying things I promised my...
So... more than I've remembered in awhile. First of all, I was technically at a trailer visit with my dad (known to most as conjugal visits, but my mom ...
Had a strange nightmare. Was in the basement of a house that was just a mix of my childhood house with the house of an old friend from my childhood. Th...
Title pretty much says it all... Can't remember most of the dream, just a part where I'm visiting the house my brothers live in, and the oldest tells me...
Best as i can remember: Was in a wagon (likea kid's wagon) in a McDonalds drive thru, drunk I'm pretty sure, with a close girlfriend of mine. We're laug...
Three main parts i remember; Having a period dream (oddly did not get period the next morning, thats a first) It was more than usual too, i was talking ...
Few weeks ago on the island... had a nightmare I was being chased by a shark that looked almost mechanical, but not fake, had neon baby blue coursing th...
Had a dream i was with Angel again... there was a weird feeling fogging over most of the dream though... telling me she was waiting for me to get angry ...
Started using elevators again in the last few months... had a nightmare that I was on the elevator i have been using (when i don't still take the stairs...
Vanity? Hot tub- old fashioned pink, pool through balcony doors
Started after leaving the house *In waking life* The same fight from Christmas day, when I left the house in sock feet, and the owner of the corner stor...
Haven't been journalling dreams much. When I have them, there's so many and they're so intense and weird that I have a hard time remembering. But I reme...
Man in the marketplace told me that I should rabbit-hole into "Courage" .... Might have meant literally, but I asked "Courage the cowardly dog? Right?" ...
Different from the one in town, but like some where I've been before. Looking through bins, came across a camo bikini? (Possibly John Deere) and set it ...
Creature dream (one of the strange houses, basement in the catacombs? ) (Lost notes, hard to remember parts, some still vivid) as best as I can remember...
One of those stupid dreams that feel real, and vivid, and just realistic enough for my sleeping brain to honestly think it's real, until about a half ho...
Flashes of vividity. I remember: Looking after a little girl Every time I saw her face, it changed Girl goes missing, People are investigating, using st...
I finally had the first dream about mom, in which I actually acknowledge her death/passing, only two weeks before the two year mark. Thought it would ha...
Having trouble with dream recall the past couple of weeks, only able to remember feelings or flashes,but last time I slept (yesterday) I remembered some...